Monday, August 12, 2013


A song by Bulat Okudzhawa

Mozart is playing on an old violin
Mozart is playing, and the violin is singing.
Mozart doesn't choose  a Fatherland,
He just plays his whole life through.

Ah, its OK that always, as we know,
Our fate is, sometimes - a feast
And, sometimes - a shoot out.
Don't forget the hope, maestro,
Don't take that hand off your brow!

Short are our young years:
One moment, and they will dissipate, 
Like in the fire:
The red coat, the golden shoes,
The white wig and the lace cuffs.

Ah, its OK that always, as we know,
Our fate is, sometimes - a feast
And, sometimes - a shoot out.
Don't forget the hope, maestro,
Don't take that hand off your brow!

Somewhere, at the last stop,
We'll say: "thanks!" even to this fate, 
But let's not make idols out of 
Our nations' transgressions.

Ah, its OK that always, as we know,
Our fate is, sometimes - a feast
And, sometimes - a shoot out.
Don't pay any attention, maestro,
Don't take your hand off your brow!

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