Thursday, January 1, 2015


Lame New Year? No way!
I am lame, actually, on both legs. My knee hurts, but not as much as an ankle tendon on the other foot. 
Taka suddenly realized, I was in no condition to provide the family with a New Year's dinner. 
He and Sonny went to a Japanese store and got lots of sushi and other delicacies.

In these little foil cups are little salads. Until I took some of the stuff in my mouth and asked Taka, what that was, I didn't know that, they were made with the things like, sea snails, veges, crab meat, and tiny flying fish roe.
Roberta, probably expected a more traditional American dinner, but she had to make do with the Japanese delicacies.
Everyone went to bed right after we celebrated the arrival of the New Year. 
violet-crawley-dowager-countess-of-grantham-gif-downton-abbey.gif (500×200)I stayed up because I thought, last night would air a new episode of the Downton Abbey. I watched it with delight, but it was the beginning for the last season. I can't wait until the new season's episodes would air, although I keep reminding myself of, how ridiculous it is to worry about the trials of the family, living in a mansion with a huge staff of servants. Still...
buttercup-the-duck-with-a-3d-printed-foot-92.gif (356×200)RpCC4.gif (450×221)All night after that I tried to find a way to place my screaming foot so it wouldn't hurt. I, probably, shouldn't have eaten so much of kimchi, because my stomach kept sending me alarming signals. I tell you, getting to the bathroom on two lame feet wasn't fun at all!
I got up late, made breakfast for Roberta. We started talking about Hanah. I poured out my worries and feelings to Roberta, who didn't have anything encouraging to say, except a warning that, I had no control over Hanah's life, and, if I tried to push her, I would push her away and right into trouble.
When I got up from the table, my foot didn't hurt as much anymore! It happened right after a conversation with Roberta. Could it be, my unspoken worries are the ones, that make me sick, and letting them out will make me pain free?! 

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