Wednesday, August 6, 2014


thranduil.gif (500×211)     The next day found us feverishly cleaning up before the pastor's visit. Besides the questions of whether he will want to have something sweet with his tea (he is British and will, obviously, want tea!) or will he be so disgusted with the mess in my house that he'll turn around and leave immediately, the questions that bothered Roberta and myself the most were: "Will he be sympathetic to her or will he take Park's side and "the party line", insisting that, she must follow her husband wherever he goes (even though, Park is not really Robert's legal husband, and there is a doubt that they had a church wedding too!)?" 
     I dislike that pastor. He made me feel small in the past, ignoring me completely, when we met at the church. He also ignored me while my dad had an operation, even though he said at the church service that he went to the hospital, couldn't find me and comforted some family in the lobby. I was also in the lobby, in the meanwhile, praying and crying. There was no way he could miss me, if he really was there! When my father was dying, the pastor came and prayed with us. He spent some time in the room, but left soon after Taka, and so I was all alone with my grief again.
     So, you see, how I was a little apprehensive, waiting for that man to come to judge Roberta's situation. I told her to call him to gain his support, but to her his words will indicate, what God's will is concerning her and Park's future.
     By the time the pastor came, I relaxed about the house. Sonny washed the floors in the kitchen and the dinette, the dishes were done, the living room - tidied up. It was not sterile, but - acceptable!
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Rev. Thompson
     I made an apple cake, the Charlotte, and served it to Rev. Thompson, when he sat down at the table to listen to Roberta.
     She told him, what her problem was. Park, her common law husband, who doesn't live with her at my house because he has a problem with me and with me getting paid for taking care of Roberta, - that Park, - found an apartment now and wants her to move there with him. The place is far away from everyone whom Roberta knows. He wants her to teach English to make additional money and - he wants her to pay part of the rent, of course! She is 81, doesn't want to work anymore, especially, if it means to be in danger of losing her allowance from the government. She is quite comfortable in her small room, which also has a bathroom next to it. She pays us a very reasonable amount, considering that, we also get money from the government for taking care of her. It makes no sense for her to leave!
     Rev. Thompson, Kevin (I know him for about thirty years) asked me then, why Park didn't live with us. I didn't mince words and told him the exact truth. His next question to Roberta was: "Do you want to spend all eternity with Dr. Park, as your spouse?"
     I stopped what I was doing and just looked at him. Is he trying to browbeat her into reuniting with Park? We knew that, some Japanese ladies in our church felt very strongly, that she should do that. Kevin's wife is also Japanese. Is he buckling under their pressure?
Park is on the
      Roberta stuttered and couldn't answer. Kevin repeated his question, but added: "In the afterlife, you can't pretend: if you don't want to be with someone, you end up somewhere else. So, do you want to be with Dr. Park for eternity?"
     "No", - Roberta said - "I would want to be with my first husband!" 
     "Well, that answers your question, doesn't it?"
     He proceeded to tell us that he never trusted Park, and considers him to be an opportunist, who attached himself to our movement and Roberta to see, what he can get out of it.
     And just like that, the weight was off! Whatever else Kevin is, he's been a pastor for about thirty years now and knows how to read situations and people. 
     We talked some more, Kevin politely refused lunch, since he had another appointment, and soon left, carrying a small package of my cake with him. 
      Now the only thing left to do is for Roberta to tell Park, that she is not coming with him. I'm glad that, I am not her!

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