Sunday, November 3, 2013


jpeg (102×91)jpeg (102×91)     Today Park declared that he will take Roberta to church and then they will go  have a picnic in a park nearby. They did that a week ago and had a very good time. I believe, some swings time (I mean, children's swings,   not the other kind) was involved. 
     Park was busy making wraps all morning. I showed him how to do it, and now poor Roberta has to eat them morning day and night. One time he used elbow noodles, jpeg (80×90)
grated potatoes, jpeg (137×117)
peanut butterjpeg (83×83) and jelly jpeg (120×90). He wrapped it all in a tortilla 663757.jpg (250×250)  and felt that he created a masterpiece! jpeg (137×91)
     So, perhaps, because of the smells coming from the kitchen, Roberta put on her best sick face and made a declaration of her own. She said that she had a stomach ache. She accepted a tablespoon of shockingly pink Pepto Bismol. 
prod_cate_liquid_original.png (160×300) I didn't know that she was faking, so she had to undergo some of my hovering and many suggestions and guesses as to what might have been ailing her.
    Fortunately, Park was too scared to have Roberta get sick during their proposed trip. He got ready for church and left in a cloud of Roberta's Tea Rose perfume. jpeg (100×100)I finished coughing in his aromatic wake and went to see Roberta. 
     She already made a dramatic recovery and spent the morning reading and watching TV. I didn't see her that relaxed and happy in a long time. She got dressed and said that she will go to the picnic with Park after he comes back from the church. Hours passed. He was not back. I began to hope that he, may be, took off and left us for good.
     I fed Roberta and talked to her. Park called then and told me that his car, that he just paid off today, broke down. He also told me not to say anything to Roberta. 
jpeg (70×70)     Of course, I told her. She took it in stride and had some more good time. A few hours later I gave her dinner. She lost a lot of weight again and looks like a Holocaust survivor once more, on a diet of Park's wraps. I made my signature dish today: Shepherd's pie
     (I mentioned how to make it in one of the past posts). She ate heartily. I said that she needs to call Park again to see if he needs help. I can't help but wonder, why that idea didn't occur to her. What kind of a couple are they, anyway? He steals money from and bullies her and she prefers to be away from him.
     Just then Park showed up. He told us that his car failed to start in a church parking lot. He was lucky: a member who is a car mechanic saw him, helped him to get the car started and brought him to his house, where he proceeded to repair the vehicle. Park then got lost on the way home. 
     I still dislike Park, but I find myself becoming involved in all that drama that his life is. I really don't want for it to happen though!

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