I am amazed, how many people read this blog in the last few days! All I did was add pictures to the posts that I re-posted in an effort to see if you guys like my stories or just day to day happenings and thoughts. I must admit, I really enjoy looking at the numbers of views.
Things in my household are moving smoothly. Park is doing his best to get back in my good graces. I don't know... It's hard to reject someone who is trying time and time again to convince you in his good intentions. On the other hand, Once I saw the real Park, I can't easily forget the venom and bullying that he displayed in my own house. Not a very Christian attitude? Perhaps! =====================================================================
My sister in Denmark had two bouts with breast cancer. She had a double mastectomy and chemotherapy that robbed her of a good chunk of life. Now she has another problem.
She went to doctor, complaining of some light bleeding from her nether parts. She was not sure if it was from her uterus or behind. The doctors poked and prodded her anatomy and then said that they detected a growth in her uterus. They recommend to remove it. For some reason they can't yet determine if the mass is benign or not. In other words, they'll know if she has cancer after taking out and doing biopsy on her uterus.
She and I both were appalled at that new threat to her life. Taka immediately ordered some hemp oil that is suppose to fight cancer cells. I sent it to her.
Isn't it ironic? We, the moralizing conservatives, so readily abandoning our set views in the face of danger! Well, hemp oil isn't marijuana. It is legal to sell and use it. Yet! Let's hope that we will not forget to be open minded in the future!
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