Friday, December 11, 2015


     I'm doing better. My foot doesn't hurt, when I'm at rest, and I can be grateful for that!
     Z (251×201)I hurt the insole (under the arch) of one foot about a month ago. It's still giving me trouble. I now am able to do some light housework and cook, but every ten minutes or so I have to sit down and gather some courage to continue. 
     And then, one night I tried to get off the couch, and a thigh muscle on my other leg just seized with pain! Sonny tried to help me, but it hurt terribly, so I couldn't make myself get up. Sonny woke up Taka, who pulled me up (I screamed), sat me on Roberta's walker, named Mercedes, and wheeled me to the bathroom. 
tumblr_mpdtb1YhUz1qb5gkjo9_r1_400.gif (356×200)     I spent hellish few days. When Sonny and Taka were at work or too occupied to help me, I had to steel myself in order to rise from a sitting or lying position in order to hobble somewhere in terrific pain. I just made up my mind that, it was a blood clot in my thigh, getting ready to not only deprive me of one of my limbs, but also to fly suddenly into the lungs or the brain and kill me instantly
     I emailed my Nurse Practitioner. She assured me: my symptoms didn't sound like a blood clot. Then, like most everything in the world, the pain passed. Now I thank God for every day with less suffering, than I already endured.
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I am happy to report: Sonny helped me a lot during that time. He did most of the house chores, as well as
My bearded son
went grocery shopping and
, to some degree, took care of Roberta. Taka immediately flew into his "I know, what you have to do!" moods and began to give me lectures on nutrition and exercise. 
     I didn't mind. You see, a few days before we had a real face off!
     Tune in to the next post for a spine-tingling explanation

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