Here is a repost of my New Year's blog. I worried about Hanah then. Gee, is there no end to this parent's roller-coaster? Still, I am learning some things. Just a little while ago Mr. P. wrote a comment to my latest post,"Life of a slacker". He said, he is uncomfortable with me judging Sonny as a slacker, and I should first "clean my side of the street before talking about my son that way.
1. I referred to Sonny as a slacker with love and humor.
2. In my session with Mr. P. he agreed with me in that assessment and suggested to take some strict measures, to aid the development of Sonny's character.
3. This blog is not only for the benefit of my readers, it's also the way for me to voice my concerns, so I don't regret honestly doing just that.
4. I did criticize myself, as well as Sonny, for similar behavior in my past life.
5. I referred to Sonny as a slacker with love and humor.
6. Mr. P. might be right and I just don't get it, how to deal with a 20 year old young man, who wouldn't give a flying ... for his future.
So, here we go:
Lame New Year? No way!
I am lame, actually, on both legs. My knee hurts, but not as much as an ankle tendon on the other foot.
Taka suddenly realized, I was in no condition to provide the family with a New Year's dinner.
He and Sonny went to a Japanese store and got lots of sushi and other delicacies.
In these little foil cups are little salads. Until I took some of the stuff in my mouth and asked Taka, what that was, I didn't know that, they were made with the things like, sea snails, veges, crab meat, and tiny flying fish roe.
Roberta, probably expected a more traditional American dinner, but she had to make do with the Japanese delicacies.
Everyone went to bed right after we celebrated the arrival of the New Year.
I stayed up because I thought, last night would air a new episode of the Downton Abbey. I watched it with delight, but it was the beginning for the last season. I can't wait until the new season's episodes would air, although I keep reminding myself of, how ridiculous it is to worry about the trials of the family, living in a mansion with a huge staff of servants. Still...
All night after that I tried to find a way to place my screaming foot so it wouldn't hurt. I, probably, shouldn't have eaten so much of kimchi, because my stomach kept sending me alarming signals. I tell you, getting to the bathroom on two lame feet wasn't fun at all!
I got up late, made breakfast for Roberta. We started talking about Hanah. I poured out my worries and feelings to Roberta, who didn't have anything encouraging to say, except a warning that, I had no control over Hanah's life, and, if I tried to push her, I would push her away and right into trouble.
When I got up from the table, my foot didn't hurt as much anymore! It happened right after a conversation with Roberta. Could it be, my unspoken worries are the ones, that make me sick, and letting them out will make me pain free?!