Last week was full of activity, though.
A friend (MaMa Asale Kimaada) invited us to come to an exhibit of "the African
American History - From Antiquity To Present Time" It was held in the Church of the Living God in Oakland. I and Roberta picked up Evelyn - one other acquaintance - and we went there. It turned out, the full purpose for the meeting was to talk about the stigmas, suffered by the African American community. A founder of the Tarah Foundation spoke. She is a grandmother, whose granddaughter was born with positive HIV status, having contracted the disease from her mother. The grandmother spoke about the sickness and how it affects people, not only in a physical sense, but also from the attitude others have
toward it. The girl, her granddaughter, told poetry and danced with a friend. She looked fine, but that is the result of being properly medicated.
American History - From Antiquity To Present Time" It was held in the Church of the Living God in Oakland. I and Roberta picked up Evelyn - one other acquaintance - and we went there. It turned out, the full purpose for the meeting was to talk about the stigmas, suffered by the African American community. A founder of the Tarah Foundation spoke. She is a grandmother, whose granddaughter was born with positive HIV status, having contracted the disease from her mother. The grandmother spoke about the sickness and how it affects people, not only in a physical sense, but also from the attitude others have
toward it. The girl, her granddaughter, told poetry and danced with a friend. She looked fine, but that is the result of being properly medicated.
It broke my heart to look at the child and think of countless others, suffering because of their or their parents' or partners' negligence. HIV is spread through dirty needles and sexual contact, or through the infected body fluids.
That's how its suppose to look |
On Monday, a Japanese lady invited us to watch her at a Senior Center in Hayward, line dancing! Did you ever see line dancing?
That's more how it looked at the Senior Center |
Roberta and I went to a Senior Center in Hayward. We pulled up chairs and for the next hour watched a large room-full of people doing their best to follow the instructor and do the right steps in the right order. It was fun. My acquaintance, Emi-san is Japanese, and upon completion of the lesson she introduced us to her friend, Shizuka-san, also from Japan. They then took us for a picnic to the Japanese Garden, located next to the Center.
and mochi. I didn't expect to have a lunch as yet (Roberta and I just ate our breakfast before going to the Senior Center). We enjoyed it very much, nevertheless! Emi-san, who sells Mary Kay cosmetics, gave me a small lipstick case and wouldn't take any money for it.